Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What is your Vibration?

Are you frustrated, tired, and just flat out stressed out? I know how you feel. Those emotions are definitely not a stranger to me.

I mean if anyone does what they are told and they still end up coming up short who would not be frustrated...RIGHT!

Then I had a paradigm shift in my brain after I listened to this 14 hour audio series by Kevin Trudeau called "Your Wish is Your Command".

Kevin broke our vibration make up down to a scientific level and it made it so clear as to why I have been going in circles!!!

I have had a low vibrational frequency for YEARS!!! You see our brain is soooo much more powerful then we know! And, if you have a closed mind you will write off everything that he is saying in the beginning as cliche.. But, at this point in my life I am hungry for an answer. I demand more, want more, and need more!! But, with the way that I was going I will never get to what I truly desire!! Simply because I was submitting the wrong frequency!!

Here are reasons why people will continue to have a low frequency can always will have their goals and dreams fleeting them!!

*Poor Eating Habits
*Electomagnetic Frequencies
*Negative Feelings
*Taking Chemical Medications

Do you suffer from low vibrations?? Unfortunately, many people are suffering from low vibrations... There are ways to get your frequencies up!!

Stay tuned for my upcoming video about frequency levels!!