Saturday, June 23, 2012

Opinions...the Cheapest Commodities on Earth

I once heard that when you buy into someone's advice or opinion you buy into their lifestyle. So that should be a word of caution to anyone who is seeking advice.

While reading Think & Grow Rich I came across this passage that stated "opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth"

As I am learning and growing as a young woman I have found that people's opinions really do not matter. As a young adult there are many people who feel like they have the right to tell you how to do something or that you should do something a certain way. I am definitely annoyed by these people!

If you are single and you have no children you may have heard someone say "You need to hurry up and start a family!" What kind of crazy advice is that. If you are not ready for a family DO NOT let anyone talk you into doing it.

Mark Cuban said it best keep your life simple!! The less people that you are obligated to emotionally (ie, spouse & children) and financial obligation (car notes, mortgages, & credit cards) the more you can focus on what you need to do to pursue your purpose FULL THROTTLE!

Think about it if you did not have a car note and mortgage weighing you down, then you would be able to think clearly on what it is that you want to do and execute your goals with out that burden.

On the other hand, your family is not a burden. However, you owe it to them to be established and know who you are, and what you want out of life. You will do a disservice to yourself and your family if you decide to make this choice based off of others opinions when you are not equipped to take on a family. It takes emotional work, financial work, time, and patience to make a family thrive. If you do not have the capacity for it WAIT!

Also, for married people..why do you take advice from people who have NEVER been married, have been divorced more than twice, or from those people who do not do right by their families?!

What can they possibly tell you? Why would you put into action advice that does not condone success? You buy their advice you buy their lifestyle! Simply put.

Find out what it is that drives you and find out what makes you happy... Other peoples opinions DON'T MATTER when it comes to your life, because if you look a little closer at their life you will find some dry patches and some ugly pictures. We all have flaws. Serious decisions should be carefully weighed and prayed about. The answer for a life changing decision should not be based upon one man's opinion....

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